Man, I've really missed blogging! I'm going to have to research a blog app. I randomly think of things that would be great to blog about but by the time I get 5 minutes to myself to sit down at the computer- the thought has passed. But anyway- I'm getting back into wogging. (walking with a mix of jogging) I still have my goal of running a half. I think the race fee is what is holding me back now! I looked one up yesterday and it's $80! Man- that's almost 2 tanks of gas!
I did 5 miles on the treadmill yesterday- all walking. It's definitely not a great time- but what's the saying? A mile is a mile no matter how long it takes? Well, I did FIVE baby!
I'm just trying to get back into the groove and then I'll start pushing myself. I was very disappointed to get on the scale this morning and see it went up instead of down. So, I'm debating on re-joining Weigh-in-Wednesdays or do another "hide the scale" experiment. I'm leaning towards number 2. I would like to set a goal to complete my Turbo Jam series with a before and after weight. I'm thinking about starting that on Monday- mainly because the workout plan that comes with it starts on a Monday.
I'll keep ya posted. So.. fill me in? How have all of you been?