Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hiding the Scale

Hey all! Super quick post for you today. I'm sorry I missed Weigh In Wednesday yesterday. With my husband being gone, it's hard to find a quiet moment to sit down and blog. My son is napping now and I have about 5 minutes before I have to run outside to get my daughter off the bus so I thought I'd spend those 5 minutes with all of you!

I lost 1.2 lbs this past week. The week before I stayed the same. Overall- since I started logging my weight and set a goal to lose every week- I've lost 5.4 lbs (since December 27th). Not a great number but I would much rather have lost it than gained. Also- I've stuck to my goal in losing (or at least staying the same) every week.

Still no runs in with the husband being gone. But, I've been Turbo Jamming it up! I'm thinking tomorrow I might switch things around and do some Cardio Max with Bob.. we'll see.

In the meantime, I decided to pack up the scale for a week. I am a weigh in freak. I weigh myself and I have for many, MANY years. Some say that's horrible and others say it helps keep them accountable. I'm a part of the 2nd group. But I wanted to try and surprise myself this week.

Stay tuned..... (5 minutes are up!)

Saturday, January 26, 2013


This is an extremely overdue post and I apologize. Because it is so long overdue, it's going to be all over the place. Every day since my last post I have been mentally preparing what I'm going to say but haven't had time to actually sit down and type it out. So here goes- grab your coffee and get comfy....

After my last post, I felt pretty defeated for having such a crappy running time. And then I remembered this and it made me feel a lot better.

Even if I can't run a 12 minute mile, at least I'm moving and that's more than I can say I was doing this time last year!

My daughter and I did walk a longer path a few days later. I think it only ended up being about 2.5 miles. I need to find a new path though because it was along a busy highway and the wind from passing cars and the exhaust fumes were terrible. Definitely not an ideal, peaceful running place!

That was my last walk/run though. My husband got deployed so now I have no babysitter for my 2 younger ones. I could go to the gym and run on the treadmill and leave my son in the tot drop while the 2 older ones are at school. BUT- my son hates the tot drop. He cries when I leave him and just stands there the whole time I'm working out. I can't have a good workout if I'm worried about him.

With that said- I've been reading a lot of workout blogs discussing "Mommy Guilt" and thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I suffer from Mommy Guilt and I'm a stay at home Mom. Don't get me wrong- when my husband comes home from work and I go for a run- I do not suffer then. But, leaving my son crying in the tot drop while I work out- yup definite Mommy Guilt. When I was a single Mom and was trying to lose weight (and was very successful at it!)- I woke up before my daughter did and worked out. So my solution while my husband is gone- I've been doing the Turbo Jam DVDs. Today is Saturday so I'm planning to take the kids over to the base here and let them ride their bikes while I walk/run. There's a nice long path that is straight with no worry of traffic. (unlike our neighborhood). Win/Win!

I don't remember if I've told you yet or not but I've joined the My Fitness Pal community. I have been on sparkpeople for years and loved it. But I heard that on MFP, after you complete your diary for the day, it tells you how much you *should* weigh in 5 weeks. I LOVE that feature. It also makes me motivated to work out to take care of those extra calories I slipped in so that I'm under my calories for the day. My user name is RunTiffanyRun. Look me up.

While browsing the other features of MFP last night, I came across a blog about a woman who has lost 300 pounds. Inspiring is an understatement. Check her out here.  From her blog, I found this one too. I spent a lot of time reading through both blogs last night. If they can do it- I can do it.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's official

I signed up for my first 5k today! I'm doing the Color Run on February 9th. I literally had a hard time catching my breath after I hit that final submit button to register. I don't know what I was thinking! Everyone keeps telling me how accomplished I will feel and I really REALLY hope they're right!

So now that it's official- I laced up my shoes and went for a run when my husband got home from work today. It sucked. and it ruined my day. It was hot. It's FREAKING HOT here for January. It's in the 80's! Now I admit if it was anything below the 50's I would be complaining it's cold. But, come on? 80's? I only managed a mile and my pace was terrible. I think I ended up with around 14 minutes and some change. I'm too embarrassed to even check my log. My shin splints kicked in too. I'm really going to have to figure out how to prevent them if I'm going to knock out 3 miles. I stretched before I left and I made sure I was hydrated. I've been seriously contemplating getting the compression socks.

Last week I ran 2 days in a row and then on Day 3 I did Jillian's 30 day shred. My body did not appreciate it. So I haven't done anything until today and I felt like my body was still punishing me! I'm planning to walk 3 miles on Wednesday. I want to make sure I'm comfortable with that distance and then I'll work on increasing my running. But right now I'm only doing around a mile (give or take) and I need to be doing 3 miles. Tomorrow I'm planning a Turbo Jam workout! Although I wonder if I should back off on the double cardio sessions. Should I let my running satisfy the cardio and then on the days I'm not running just concentrate on weights? What do you think?

I really hope to offer a more upbeat post on Wednesday for our weigh in. But for now I'm feeling a bit defeated.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday- Week 2

It's baaccckkkk! How'd you do? I didn't do nearly as hot as last week but if the scale goes down- I'm happy and it did! I lost 0.4 this week. Considering I haven't been working out- I'm ok with that. I have given myself a pretty hefty goal to lose 3 lbs this week though.

I have a box of clothes that don't fit me anymore- and haven't fit me in several years- that I've packed up. I gave myself a deadline that if I can't wear them before we move in May- then I'm donating them. I WANT to wear those cute clothes again and I will!

Don't forget to stop by Erin and Alex's  page and check out their journey's... as well as everyone that has linked up with the Weigh in Wednesday group! I love the motivation I get from reading other blogs as well as the motivation that you all are holding me accountable!

I haven't been running like I wanted to because.. well because I suck. I could list all of my excuses but that's just what they are- EXCUSES! 

 BUT- my daughter and I went running tonight without the dogs (sorry pooches). It felt incredible. I ran so much more than I have ran in years! I'm nowhere near where I want to be but I can already feel a huge difference. I love it! 

Then I came home- showered- and ate a snack inspired by something Mama Laughlin  posted on Instagram. Mine is a bit different than her's because I used what I had on hand but I LOVED it. I put some pumpkin flax seed granola in a bowl with 2 TBSP creamy peanut butter and some fat free milk. OH. MY. LORD! It was awesome. It is my new favorite meal/snack/whatever. Both my kids and my husband said it looked gross. Good because this snack is ALL MINE!

Here's a snapshot of my recent runs/walks. As you can see it took me awhile to realize I needed to change my workout from walk to run. But don't pay attention to that- pay attention to my times and how much I've already improved!

Stay tuned.. I'm looking into getting a guest blog from a friend of mine that is much farther in her running and is training for a half marathon! (Hi Becky! I hope you're reading this!!)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Running in the Rain

Sometimes when you really don't want to do something, it's easier to just do it and get it over with. You'll feel better afterwards.  Yesterday was a dreary, miserable day. But I knew I needed to run. I kept telling myself it was raining and it would be OK to skip it. But, then the other side of my brain asked how I can tell my readers that I want to be a runner if I let a little bit of rain stop me. I'm going to sweat and get wet anyway, right?!

When I say it was cold- it was cold for SE Georgia. It was 50 degrees and the sun wasn't out. But I kept remembering people I'd seen in various groups I'm in that posted about running when it's snowing or in the 20's out. If they can run- I CAN RUN!

So after dinner (lesson learned! Do not run immediately after eating- even if it was just a salad it WILL try to make it's way back up), my daughter and I changed, grabbed the dogs, and headed out. The temperature had dropped dramatically since I'd been outside earlier in the day- but I kept going. The cold gave me the initiative to run even more to warm my legs up.. and guess what? IT WORKED!
Here's a picture my daughter took of me and the dog. It wasn't raining hard (as you can see). It would sprinkle in spurts. But it was cold and nasty out.. and I ran anyway! I ran more yesterday than I did the day before and it felt great. I felt accomplished!

I'm going to try running tomorrow without the dog. (Sorry Zoey!) She slowed me down quite a bit last night wanting to sniff and pee and I'd like to see what I can do on my own. I'm also planning to increase my distance.

I can't wait to tell you how it goes!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

It's Wednesday! Some call it Hump Day. Some call it the middle of the week. Some call it too close to Monday and yet still too far from Friday. Today, my husband returns to work after being on holiday routine for the better part of December and I will be here with the kids trying to make sense of the chaos that has taken over our house this month!

Before I fill you in on Weigh In Wednesday- let me update you on my day yesterday. I went for a walk/jog on my usual route (around my neighborhood). It's right at 1 mile. I walked/jogged with my husband. He has to run PT tests in the military so he was very sweet to take it down to my level and jog with me when I could. I finished my route in 15 minutes 20 seconds. Slow but faster than I've finished it... ever! I usually walk it in 18-20 minutes (with 3 kids and 2 dogs). But this time it was just me and The Husband and the 2 dogs. I jogged more yesterday than I have in a long time... like years!

Then we took the kids to the zoo. Last time we went (right after we moved here) it was $2 day in July. Everyone in our state and the next state over was there. Think - New Years Eve in Times Square! We vowed to never return again. But the kids asked to go one more time before we move this summer so we gave in. We were very impressed! It actually took us about 3 hours to walk the whole thing (last time we were done in about an hour). According to my Fit Bit , I walked a total of 12,080 steps yesterday and by last night- I was feeling it! 

Mama Laughlin  has blogged about taking ice baths after her long runs. I don't think I will ever be brave enough to do that but I did see some things at the running store that look like really high socks and you put ice packs in them. That was very appealing last night!

So my question for the more seasoned runners:

1. Should I ice right after a run or wait until the pain starts (if it starts)?

2. Should I work on increasing my distance first or my endurance? For example: Should I stick with my 1 mile route and keep at it until I'm able to jog the entire thing and then add distance in 1/2 - 1 mile increments? Or should I go ahead and increase to 2 miles and then 3 and walk/jog that until I'm able to jog the entire thing?

Now... it's what you've all been waiting for!

 It's Weigh In Wednesday!

I'm linking up with several other bloggers who are on the same journey to become healthier. We will be weighing in every Wednesday and sharing our ups and downs with all of you. I'm ecstatic to say I've lost 3.2 lbs this week! I know there's room for improvement and I know a portion of  my loss can be attributed to all of the walk we did yesterday and the fact that my lunch/dinner was combined at 3:00. But, I'll take it. 

In the meantime, I also know that meal planning and not eating out helps weight loss. I gained about 4 lbs over the holidays and I can't blame it on holiday eating- it was due to us being on the go and eating out.. a LOT! But, our wallet nor our bellies (or butts) appreciate it. Right now I'm working on eating through what we have- which includes 2 refrigerators, a deep freezer (containing what's left of 1/2 a cow we bought back in September) and an overflowing pantry. We're moving in a few months anyway so we need to eat up what's here!

I'm not going for a jog today. I think my legs need to rest after yesterday. But, I will be playing the Wii with my kids, running around our backyard, and either going to play tennis or taking the kids for a bike ride so while I won't be doing a scheduled workout- I will be moving!

Here's a weekly challenge to go along with Weigh In Wednesdays! Try it out and come back and tell me about it

Please leave a comment and let me know you stopped by. Knowing I have readers gives me motivation to keep pushing forward and hopefully continue to motivate you!

Also, don't forget to share the love to the other bloggers participating in Weigh In Wednesdays. We're all in this together!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013

Happy New Year!

Today is the start of the new year, the start of my blog, and who knows what else?! I actually created this blog a few days ago but haven't had time to set it up.. so here we are. What better day to launch it than January 1st?

I won't bore you with my details because you can find them in the About Me section. So I'll just jump right in.

We went to a specialty running store Friday night where me and The Husband were fitted for running shoes. It was pretty weird- especially when the guy asked me to roll my pant legs up and I hadn't shaved my legs in a week! He had me stand on one leg (each leg), then on my tip toes. Then he brought out a few different pairs of shoes. For each pair I had to run/jog down a stretch of the store where he watched how I landed. I ended up with some bright blue Mizunos. The hubby got a pair for himself too.

Then we hit Target to get some running pants. The last pair I bought (a LONG time ago) ended up as sleep pants. Also grabbed a running shirt and jacket that were on clearance and some duo dry socks. Love them!

Saturday, my oldest and I grabbed the dogs and headed out for a run/jog/walk... let's face it. There was lots of walking (on my part- my daughter will very quickly correct me and say that she ran which she did but she's also 11 not 31 and out of shape). I tried following the C25k w1d1 on the app. It was going really well but then I wouldn't hear the prompts anymore. It would vibrate like a message and I would have to fight with my armband to see what it was saying- it was just a mess. I felt like I spent more time fighting with the app than I did enjoying the run/walk. So as much I love the C25k program and as much as I firmly believe in it- I think I'm going to try it on my own for awhile. Just by increasing my distance to build up my endurance. If that doesn't work- I'll revisit the C25k.

And I leave you with a picture of me before my run on Saturday. It's not a pretty one but I keep telling myself that you're not supposed to look pretty when you run..unless of course you're on Baywatch. (Wow! That's showing my age!) I just realized I wasn't wearing my wedding ring in this picture (the husband is going to flip). My fingers have been swelling lately and I'm not sure why so I've been taking them off at night. BUT- I do NOT leave my house without them on. There husband- happy now?

What are your goals for 2013?