Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013

Happy New Year!

Today is the start of the new year, the start of my blog, and who knows what else?! I actually created this blog a few days ago but haven't had time to set it up.. so here we are. What better day to launch it than January 1st?

I won't bore you with my details because you can find them in the About Me section. So I'll just jump right in.

We went to a specialty running store Friday night where me and The Husband were fitted for running shoes. It was pretty weird- especially when the guy asked me to roll my pant legs up and I hadn't shaved my legs in a week! He had me stand on one leg (each leg), then on my tip toes. Then he brought out a few different pairs of shoes. For each pair I had to run/jog down a stretch of the store where he watched how I landed. I ended up with some bright blue Mizunos. The hubby got a pair for himself too.

Then we hit Target to get some running pants. The last pair I bought (a LONG time ago) ended up as sleep pants. Also grabbed a running shirt and jacket that were on clearance and some duo dry socks. Love them!

Saturday, my oldest and I grabbed the dogs and headed out for a run/jog/walk... let's face it. There was lots of walking (on my part- my daughter will very quickly correct me and say that she ran which she did but she's also 11 not 31 and out of shape). I tried following the C25k w1d1 on the app. It was going really well but then I wouldn't hear the prompts anymore. It would vibrate like a message and I would have to fight with my armband to see what it was saying- it was just a mess. I felt like I spent more time fighting with the app than I did enjoying the run/walk. So as much I love the C25k program and as much as I firmly believe in it- I think I'm going to try it on my own for awhile. Just by increasing my distance to build up my endurance. If that doesn't work- I'll revisit the C25k.

And I leave you with a picture of me before my run on Saturday. It's not a pretty one but I keep telling myself that you're not supposed to look pretty when you run..unless of course you're on Baywatch. (Wow! That's showing my age!) I just realized I wasn't wearing my wedding ring in this picture (the husband is going to flip). My fingers have been swelling lately and I'm not sure why so I've been taking them off at night. BUT- I do NOT leave my house without them on. There husband- happy now?

What are your goals for 2013?


  1. Love the bald! I am running my first marathon this year....and have been growing my marathon mop out so I can keep it out of my face!

  2. I look forward to reading more about your journey, Tiffany!!!
