Friday, January 4, 2013

Running in the Rain

Sometimes when you really don't want to do something, it's easier to just do it and get it over with. You'll feel better afterwards.  Yesterday was a dreary, miserable day. But I knew I needed to run. I kept telling myself it was raining and it would be OK to skip it. But, then the other side of my brain asked how I can tell my readers that I want to be a runner if I let a little bit of rain stop me. I'm going to sweat and get wet anyway, right?!

When I say it was cold- it was cold for SE Georgia. It was 50 degrees and the sun wasn't out. But I kept remembering people I'd seen in various groups I'm in that posted about running when it's snowing or in the 20's out. If they can run- I CAN RUN!

So after dinner (lesson learned! Do not run immediately after eating- even if it was just a salad it WILL try to make it's way back up), my daughter and I changed, grabbed the dogs, and headed out. The temperature had dropped dramatically since I'd been outside earlier in the day- but I kept going. The cold gave me the initiative to run even more to warm my legs up.. and guess what? IT WORKED!
Here's a picture my daughter took of me and the dog. It wasn't raining hard (as you can see). It would sprinkle in spurts. But it was cold and nasty out.. and I ran anyway! I ran more yesterday than I did the day before and it felt great. I felt accomplished!

I'm going to try running tomorrow without the dog. (Sorry Zoey!) She slowed me down quite a bit last night wanting to sniff and pee and I'd like to see what I can do on my own. I'm also planning to increase my distance.

I can't wait to tell you how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. I ran in the rain the other week as well. I knew I HAD to get it done, so I just sucked it up and did it. It wasn't that bad either :)
