Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

It's Wednesday! Some call it Hump Day. Some call it the middle of the week. Some call it too close to Monday and yet still too far from Friday. Today, my husband returns to work after being on holiday routine for the better part of December and I will be here with the kids trying to make sense of the chaos that has taken over our house this month!

Before I fill you in on Weigh In Wednesday- let me update you on my day yesterday. I went for a walk/jog on my usual route (around my neighborhood). It's right at 1 mile. I walked/jogged with my husband. He has to run PT tests in the military so he was very sweet to take it down to my level and jog with me when I could. I finished my route in 15 minutes 20 seconds. Slow but faster than I've finished it... ever! I usually walk it in 18-20 minutes (with 3 kids and 2 dogs). But this time it was just me and The Husband and the 2 dogs. I jogged more yesterday than I have in a long time... like years!

Then we took the kids to the zoo. Last time we went (right after we moved here) it was $2 day in July. Everyone in our state and the next state over was there. Think - New Years Eve in Times Square! We vowed to never return again. But the kids asked to go one more time before we move this summer so we gave in. We were very impressed! It actually took us about 3 hours to walk the whole thing (last time we were done in about an hour). According to my Fit Bit , I walked a total of 12,080 steps yesterday and by last night- I was feeling it! 

Mama Laughlin  has blogged about taking ice baths after her long runs. I don't think I will ever be brave enough to do that but I did see some things at the running store that look like really high socks and you put ice packs in them. That was very appealing last night!

So my question for the more seasoned runners:

1. Should I ice right after a run or wait until the pain starts (if it starts)?

2. Should I work on increasing my distance first or my endurance? For example: Should I stick with my 1 mile route and keep at it until I'm able to jog the entire thing and then add distance in 1/2 - 1 mile increments? Or should I go ahead and increase to 2 miles and then 3 and walk/jog that until I'm able to jog the entire thing?

Now... it's what you've all been waiting for!

 It's Weigh In Wednesday!

I'm linking up with several other bloggers who are on the same journey to become healthier. We will be weighing in every Wednesday and sharing our ups and downs with all of you. I'm ecstatic to say I've lost 3.2 lbs this week! I know there's room for improvement and I know a portion of  my loss can be attributed to all of the walk we did yesterday and the fact that my lunch/dinner was combined at 3:00. But, I'll take it. 

In the meantime, I also know that meal planning and not eating out helps weight loss. I gained about 4 lbs over the holidays and I can't blame it on holiday eating- it was due to us being on the go and eating out.. a LOT! But, our wallet nor our bellies (or butts) appreciate it. Right now I'm working on eating through what we have- which includes 2 refrigerators, a deep freezer (containing what's left of 1/2 a cow we bought back in September) and an overflowing pantry. We're moving in a few months anyway so we need to eat up what's here!

I'm not going for a jog today. I think my legs need to rest after yesterday. But, I will be playing the Wii with my kids, running around our backyard, and either going to play tennis or taking the kids for a bike ride so while I won't be doing a scheduled workout- I will be moving!

Here's a weekly challenge to go along with Weigh In Wednesdays! Try it out and come back and tell me about it

Please leave a comment and let me know you stopped by. Knowing I have readers gives me motivation to keep pushing forward and hopefully continue to motivate you!

Also, don't forget to share the love to the other bloggers participating in Weigh In Wednesdays. We're all in this together!


  1. thanks for linking up! {former mil spouse here to <3}

    I did the couch to 5k program {the cool running app on an i phone} to start running again last spring, I LOVED it. I highly recommend that program. It increases your distance, time AND endurance all at once!

    I can't wait till it warms up again, we're covered in snow here in upstate ny..i will NOT run in the snow. no way no how!!

  2. 3.2 pounds is awesome! I did the couch to 5k program in August/September and now I'm training for a half marathon.

    I'm still to scared to try an ice bath a la Mama Laughlin, but I probably should. Also, I always increased my distance with runs and would get comfortable there for a week or two and then increase again.

    I'll be doing Weigh-in Wednesday with you :)

  3. Dear Tiffany, I am on a similar journey towards weight loss and more running. I didn't do any training program but started slow and added speed and endurance slowly too. I'm getting faster! My last 5K time as 36:30! I have never needed to do an ice bath and I hope it stays that way. I'd like to invite you to my blog for weight loss wednesdays. If you want, you are welcome to guest post some time too. :o) Congratulations on the weight loss! Esther Norine Designs

    1. Thanks Esther! I just subscribed to you! I look forward to reading your posts.

  4. Great job on your 1 mile time and your loss!

    I am a BIG fan of ice baths! Do it right after you run. Put the ice in the tub and then get in and start filling it up with water. This will help you ease into it better. I wear a sweater so that my upper body isn't exposed and find something to keep you distracted for 10 minutes.(I play a game on my phone or catch up on facebook) The time will go by quicker!

  5. Thanks Amy! I may have to work up to the ice baths. Just the thought of them makes me cringe. Maybe once I'm running more I will try it out.

  6. Not eating out is one of my goals too... it's definitely bad for the wallet and waistline! We always seem to be on the go so we'll grab meals wherever but this year I really want to save money so stopping the eating out is high up on my list.

    Let me know if you decide to try ice baths... I know they're so good for your muscles but I don't think I could do it... it sounds like absolute torture to me!

    Thanks so much for linking up... I love having such a supportive group of ladies and I know we can all do this together!

    1. I try really hard to do the freeze ahead meals but for some reason I'm just not successful at it. I have lots of them pinned and I've tried a few but I think I forget what I've made! I do love my crock pot though.

      Thanks for getting up the link up! I love it! I have found so many great new blogs to follow!

    2. You're welcome... I've found so many new blogs to follow too, including yours! :)

  7. Gurlfrannnnn 3.2 pounds in a week is AMAZING!!!! Thanks for stopping over at my blog and I wanted to comment back to ya but you have your no-comment thingy turned on :( SAD FACE!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. What comment thing? I'm still very new at this. I just figured out the gadget thingy so people can subscribe. But I thought I had all of the comment features on? Thanks for letting me know!

  8. Great loss! I have a really hard time getting my head into planning meals and then we end up eating junk. That is something I really need to get under control!
