Monday, January 14, 2013

It's official

I signed up for my first 5k today! I'm doing the Color Run on February 9th. I literally had a hard time catching my breath after I hit that final submit button to register. I don't know what I was thinking! Everyone keeps telling me how accomplished I will feel and I really REALLY hope they're right!

So now that it's official- I laced up my shoes and went for a run when my husband got home from work today. It sucked. and it ruined my day. It was hot. It's FREAKING HOT here for January. It's in the 80's! Now I admit if it was anything below the 50's I would be complaining it's cold. But, come on? 80's? I only managed a mile and my pace was terrible. I think I ended up with around 14 minutes and some change. I'm too embarrassed to even check my log. My shin splints kicked in too. I'm really going to have to figure out how to prevent them if I'm going to knock out 3 miles. I stretched before I left and I made sure I was hydrated. I've been seriously contemplating getting the compression socks.

Last week I ran 2 days in a row and then on Day 3 I did Jillian's 30 day shred. My body did not appreciate it. So I haven't done anything until today and I felt like my body was still punishing me! I'm planning to walk 3 miles on Wednesday. I want to make sure I'm comfortable with that distance and then I'll work on increasing my running. But right now I'm only doing around a mile (give or take) and I need to be doing 3 miles. Tomorrow I'm planning a Turbo Jam workout! Although I wonder if I should back off on the double cardio sessions. Should I let my running satisfy the cardio and then on the days I'm not running just concentrate on weights? What do you think?

I really hope to offer a more upbeat post on Wednesday for our weigh in. But for now I'm feeling a bit defeated.


  1. My friend said the compression socks she got for Christmas made a huge difference in her running. Perhaps you could try a pair. You'll do great at the race plus I've heard its tons of fun with all the colors! Esther Norine Designs

  2. I just did The Color Run last weekend! It was a lot of fun :) It's been super hot here too (in FL) so I feel your pain...but you can do it! I let the running count as my cardio for the day and then I usually do a spin class or a workout dvd on the other days...try to get a day of weights in as well.
